State-of-the-art wastewater treatment
Core technology
Membrane bioreactor (MBR) - a combination of activated sludge and micro- and ultrafiltration.
Activated sludge
Activated sludge is used to remove contamination in the wastewater. Microorganisms remove carbonaceous, nitrogenous, and phosphorous matter.
Micro- and ultrafiltration
Micro and ultrafiltration membranes are used for producing solid-free effluent.
The automation software manages pumps, membranes, and the aeration/mixing of the MBR. The system adapts itself automatically to fluctuating wastewater inflow.
All chemical, biological, and mechanical processes of the Spacedrip MBR systems including pumps, membranes, and the aeration/mixing of the biological process are managed by software and automation, including 5+ sensors.
Automation reduces maintenance, operating, and electricity costs by up to 70%.
All systems are monitored remotely.
Heat recovery
The additional heat exchanger module enables heat recovery from warm greywater for the Spacedrip Urban product line. Our software continuously monitors energy recovery rates.
Up to 90% of heat is recovered from greywater. Return on investment in 5-15 years.